Thursday 27 March 2014

Table Mountain and a night on Long Street

Monday morning dawned with clear blue skies and absolutely no wind, so Louise and I grabbed the chance to take a trip to the top of Cape Town's most recognisable landmark, Table Mountain. As the weather was spectacular there was a queue and we probably had to wait 45 minutes to an hour before we got in a cable car but it was not really a problem as we just chatted and enjoyed the beautiful weather and the view of the City Bowl to one side and the impressive mountain to the other. 

Whilst in the queue there are information boards regarding the history of the cableway, completed in 1928, and old models of the original cable cars which look a lot less sturdier than the one we went in. When you go up the mountain in the cable car it rotates 360 degrees giving you  a full view of the city and the surrounding area on the way up. 

I have been up the mountain once before and was excited to go up again accompanied by an ecstatic Louise. We had the perfect day for it and the view from the top was absolutely breathtaking; something you want to gaze upon, take a mental picture and appreciate forever. I could say much more about how indescribably beautiful it is up there but I will let the photographs do the talking. 

A model of the mountain range including Signal Hill, Lion's Head, Table Mountain, Devil's Peak and the 12 Apostles stretching out at the back towards the peninsula.

The 12 Apostles.

Camps Bay.

Lion's Head and Signal Hill to the left of the picture and the city sprawling in the bowl.

Devil's Peak.

The scorching sun combined with the gentlest of breezes made the conditions at the top of the mountain absolutely lovely. I could have sat looking out over the city for an extremely long time if we hadn't planned anything for the afternoon. We treated ourselves to lunch with a view from the cafe at the top of the mountain revelling in the beautiful natural landscape around us. 

When we finally left the mountain we took ourselves off to Long Street to meet Ladina and browse the many quirky shops. I ended up getting a hair braid, fulfilling a childhood desire at last, and it even had an owl charm in it. I was beyond excited... It's the little things. The gentleman who braided my hair promised me the neon in it would get me all the guys, obviously what I was after. However, my night out with the girls did end in a marriage proposal from a drunk Argentinian rugby player in the group we were having drinks with. I respectfully declined even though he did try and serenade me with Don't Cry For Me Argentina. 

Irresistible obviously. 

Tuesday became a day dedicated to recovering from the night before, our first proper night out in Cape Town. Having arrived back at the hostel at 4:30am it seemed only right to spend the whole day by the pool working on my tan. 

Until next time. 

A x

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