Thursday 27 March 2014

Last day treat

For our last day in Cape Town we decided to treat ourselves to something we both desperately wanted to do; a helicopter flight over the city. Neither of us had been on one before and on both previous trips to the waterfront we were extremely tempted to do it. However, we left it until the last day and it was a brilliant way to see out our time in Cape Town. 

Before we arrived at the waterfront we persuaded the taxi driver to take us to Bo Kaap, an area known for it's beautifully coloured houses. I would have liked to spend a bit more time in this wonderful place but we had to get going to the waterfront. 

Whilst waiting for our flight to be organised we had a last stroll through the waterfront enjoying the wonderful views. 

It was R800 - £53 for a 15 minute helicopter flight which was a good way to spend the last bit of Rand on my cashcard. The company drove us around to the helipad and we had our safety briefing before getting on board the helicopter. Once they made sure we were strapped in and had our headsets on we were off! We were very lucky with the weather again and it was a perfect day. 

The route the helicopter took was down the Atlantic Seaboard to just before Llandudno where it turned round and came back on itself, flying over the edge of the city and over the harbour. As I was on the right hand side of the helicopter I had a view out to sea and Robben Island on the first bit of the trip rather than of the coast line. However, I don't have any great photos of this due to my terrible photography skills but it was amazing to see. My photos from the way back when I was on the coast line side of the helicopter are slightly better so I'll share some here.

I am exceedingly glad that Lou and I chose to do this as it was an absolutely fantastic experience with stunning views across the city and the coast line. Everywhere there was a beautiful sight and it was a contrast of both magnificent natural beauty and the glittering man made city within it's confines. 

After an epic morning we set off to Camps Bay to enjoy the beach and the unbelievably cold sea once more. We ended the day with dinner and sundowners next to the beach before making our way back to the hostel to, in my case anyway, attempt packing. 

Somehow I got it all in my rucksack! Packing Queen. 

So this brings to an end my 9 and a half weeks in South Africa. Moving on was bittersweet because all though I have other countries to explore I have absolutely fallen in love with this amazingly beautiful and often underrated (as a place for gap year backpackers anyway) country. I have had a brilliant time here, caught up with family, had some incredible experiences, seen beautiful places and met awesome people everywhere I went. I cannot begin to choose a favourite place or event as they were all special and I would love to experience my whole time here again. It's goodbye for now but definitely not forever. I'll be back. 

For now, onwards and upwards, to Australia specifically and an 11 hour flight.

Until next time. 

A x

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