Tuesday 6 May 2014


Wanaka was our next destination following our two nights in Franz Josef and we set off early on Tuesday morning so we could make many stops along the way. The first one was the beautiful Fox Glacier, a mere 12km from Franz Josef, another glacier extending into rainforest. It looked magical in the early morning light.

Somehow we managed to get a brilliant photo of some of our Kiwi crew, where everyone was smiling for the camera and looking a little bit like a cheesy advert. Miss these guys. 

Our next stop was at Lake Matheson (I believe, I am getting my lakes a little bit confused) where you can catch Mount Cook, the highest mountain in NZ, reflected on the lakes surface. Or at least you are meant to be able to, my photography skills are not renowned. However, it was yet another beautiful stop and some of the photos show the rainforest vegetation of the area quite well. 

We stopped at a beach although there are no photos from this on my camera. However, we got some pretty funny jumping photos, I just need to track them down! Next up was another mountain, which I don't know the name of. The scenery in New Zealand is absolutely breathtaking and I was snapping continuously trying to share its beauty with everyone back home. 

Thunder Creek Falls was a nearby waterfall, dropping down a steep cliff face to the river below, having carved out its path through the vegetation. 

Similarly, we stopped at the Blue Pools which are reached by walking through some of the forest and over two suspension bridges. It was the second bridge that you could jump off into the icy cold water below... So obviously I did. My mother will not be proud. 

The jump was exhilarating and there was no going back once I'd managed to clamber over the side of the bridge. The water, we found out after jumping, was 11C and it instantly numbed you. I couldn't talk when I resurfaced which is unsusual for me! It was completely worth it though and after making it back up the bank to the bridge we got a cute group photo. 

We left the coast line and headed into the mountains and came across yet another spectacular lake. Out of all of them this was definitely my favourite. The reflection in the last picture is absolutely gorgeous, as if the lake was indeed one giant mirror, absorbing the image of the clouds and mountains surrounding it.

After a day of absolutely beautiful scenery we finally arrived in the picturesque town of Wanaka, situated on the edge of the Lake it was named after. We went for a swim in, the rather shallow, lake which was also freezing.

We watched the sunset from the hostel roof before joining in with the pub quiz in the bar and playing a few games of pool, badly, with everyone from the bus.

Until next time. 

A x

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