Thursday 15 May 2014

Kaikora and back to the North Island

We arrived in Kaikora on the Sunday after a relatively short drive from Christchurch which followed the beautiful coast line. We had the afternoon to partake in any activities but we chose not to due to lack of funds; the skydive had resulted in dipping back into my overdraft. Unfortunately this meant that we missed swimming with the dolphins just off the coast. However, we bought a couple of Rekordilig ciders each and walked through the small town and along the beach front admiring the beautiful views. 

We stopped off in the small quaint town on the way back for a spot of dinner and enjoyed the relaxed and extremely laid back atmosphere. Sweet as. 

The view from the hostel was pretty, the sea looking extremely blue, almost the same as the sky. The hostel itself was average and nothing really special. The bathroom was like a prison cell and the sheets were cold and damp so thankfully we were only there for one night. 

On Monday 7th April we finished our Kiwi Experience journey driving the relatively short distance from Kaikora to Picton in the morning. We stopped at Ohau Point lookout to see some of the Cape Fur Seals who live on the rocks. It was amusing watching their antics and seeing some of the pups.  

Following this we got the afternoon ferry back to Welington, this time managing to get pictures of Queen Charlotte Sounds. The ferry journey was long, dull and caused me to feel a little bit sea sick. I ended up lying on one of the benches as it was better to be horizontal. 

Finally we reached Wellington and were taken to Base hostel for the night. We were not so impressed with this hostel. The rooms were small and incredibly cramped whilst the bathrooms were a bit grim. It could have been worse but it was enough to make us move the next morning to the infinitely better Nomads which was a few dollars cheaper too. Bliss. 

Until next time. 

A x

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