Saturday 10 May 2014


On Wednesday we left Wanaka and headed to the famous Queenstown. Having heard so much about it we were extremely excited to finally be arriving. Before we got there however we visited Puzzling World where we walked through the illusion rooms, got lost in a giant maze and sat playing different games. 

As everyone knows New Zealand is home to the bungee jump and there is no better place to participate then in the adrenaline capital of the world, Queenstown. We stopped off at the AJ Hackett centre on our way so that everyone could sign up for either a jump or a canyon swing. I was sorely tempted to do another jump as I loved my one in South Africa so much. Unluckily for me, but probably luckily for my Mother's sanity, I didn't have enough money to do one. I had to make do with watching on enviously. 

Around lunchtime we made it into Queenstown and settled into our hostel, Nomads. We managed to get two adjacent rooms, sharing a balcony between the 12 of us, completed by a lovely view of the lakes and mountains. Louise, myself and a few others decided that we should try one of the famous Fergburgers which travellers who have visited New Zealand rave about. Thankfully it lived up to it's rather large reputation and was delicious, also the size of my head! 

We spent the afternoon down by Lake Wakatipu, basking in the sunshine and occasionally dipping in the cold water, all the time enjoying the incredible views surrounding us. The mountain range, surrounding and enclosing the lake, is fittingly called The Remarkables. 

The changing colours of the sky during sunset was pretty and the balcony provided the perfect view of the mountains and the lake. We went out for a few drinks that evening, no easy feat without passports as they are the favoured form of ID in New Zealand and ours were in Wellington at the Vietnamese embassy. However, we managed to get into a bar where we enjoyed teapot cocktails and leisurely conversation before dancing into the early hours, scaring everyone off the dance floor and claiming it to ourselves, before being urged to leave as it was close to closing time. 

Thankfully, Louise and I didn't have a huge amount to drink but that was because we had an exciting event the following day.... 

Until next time.

A x

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