Saturday 10 May 2014


The following day we took advantage of not having to get on the Kiwi Experience bus early and had a lie in. We followed this by wondering round Queenstown before heading to NZONE who we were doing our first ever skydive with. Exciting! Another activity my mother does not condone. I only have 50ish jumps to go to make it to my dad's total however. 

Once we had done all the relevant paperwork we were driven to the drop zone, about 20 minutes away. The nervous energy in the van mixed with the crackle of anticipation which only heightened on arrival. Whilst waiting for the first round of jumpers I played Giant Jenga with one of the guys and took a few snaps of the wonderful scenery. Queenstown is probably one of the most beautiful places in the world to be able to skydive and like so often on this trip, we were extremely lucky with the weather; it was a gorgeous day. 

We were kitted up in a jumpsuit, a leather hat and some goggles. It was a very flattering and sexy attire.. Obviously. Then again, I don't think I was ever going to look great free falling through the air so my photos of the event are all hilarious. Of course it was about doing the jump more than anything but when they charge £100 for photos it is nice to look halfway decent! Oh well. 

My jump master was a lovely guy, from Kent, called Adam. Once we were in the plane we just chatted for the 20 minute climb or enjoyed the stunning views. Interestingly, I didn't feel that nervous, just a sense of anticipation and excitement. I remember being petrified before my bungy and thought I would be the same again. We were first in the plane and so therefore would be the last ones out. About 5 minutes before the jump Adam secured me to his harness and reminded me to curl my legs under the plane when we were sitting at the exit door. 

Watching everyone else go was quite amusing and there was a bit of screaming from those who were terrified. Finally it was our turn to jump. Carlos, the photographer, hung onto the edge of the plane, just next to the door whilst we perched at the edge. The cold wind whipped and whistled past us as I curled my legs under the plane as instructed. I leaned my head back onto Adams shoulder as he rocked us backward, forward, backwards and out! 

There was a split second just before we exited when I took a glance down and questioned what I was doing and my sanity. However, I established I'm crazy and slightly reckless a long time ago plus the landscape looked absolutely beautiful from up there so it was worth it. 

When you exit the plane you turn a whole 360 degrees, effectively doing some kind of roll or flip which was exhilarating. I expected the sensation of my stomach rising upto my throat but that didn't happen. The rushing sensation was insane but to be expected seeing as I was hurtling towards Earth at maximum velocity. I absolutely loved it and enjoyed the whole free fall which was over too quickly. 

It was another moment, like the bungee jump, where I felt so, incredibly alive and absolutely powerless. 

Once the canopy was released Adam began pointing out the sights of Queenstown and the surrounding area, miniature and toy-like from our height. He also gave me the chance to steer the parachute, making us turn tight circles as we spiralled back down to the ground. The landing was not graceful and we slid across the grass bum first but safely back down which was the most important thing. 

After the adrenaline and excitement of skydiving Louise and I treated ourselves to another Fergburger, lamb this time, and chomped away on them at the beach. We sat there for a while, watching a paragliding competition before wondering around town and heading back to the hostel. We had a couple of ciders that evening at the beach and I loved the exclusive to NZ Rekordiligs; elderflower & lime and raspberry & lime. Jealous we don't have them! After the beach it was back to the hostel to hangout with the crew and pack for the next day when we would be carrying on our journey. 

Shiv and I working on our 'ugly' faces. 

Until next time. 

A x

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