Saturday 11 January 2014

Union Buildings

Yesterday I visited the Union Buildings in Pretoria with my family. They are the government buildings located on Meintjieskop hill, one of the highest points in Pretoria. Unfortunately, you cannot enter the buildings any more unless you book a tour. However, we looked round the gardens and enjoyed the view of Pretoria before visiting the recently installed Nelson Mandela statue. 

The view of Pretoria from the top of the terraced gardens in front of the Union Buildings. 

Looking down Fairveiw Avenue. 

The Union Buildings are to the right and the gardens to the left. Along the street are many stalls selling ornaments, jewellery and bead work. Its nice to have a browse before wandering through the gardens. 

The Union Buildings from the gardens. There is a cannon in the centre of the photo which can be seen properly below.

The Union Buildings are a South African national heritage site. Building started in 1910 and was completed in 1913. The gardens, the buildings and the view of Pretoria were beautiful, enhanced by the lovely weather! A recent addition is a 9m statue of Nelson Mandela in the gardens facing the city. 

Eventually the 33C heat and the thought of walking back up all the steps to the Union Buildings persuaded us to leave. Thankfully, I could get straight in the pool once back and I spent my afternoon either in or lying next to the pool which has resulted in some interesting skin colours including pink, brown and white. Need to invest in a higher factor sun cream I believe.

I spent the evening with one of my other cousins and his friends seeing the night life of Pretoria. I had a brilliant time and thankfully the Tequila Slammers have not come back to haunt me today!

Beginning of the night. 

End of the night (included only because my face is hilarious). 

Anyway, for now I need an early night and probably another helping of after sun. Another day in the shade for me tomorrow and the pool. Hoping it won't be hotter than today's 35C... it's a hard life. 

A x

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