Tuesday 28 January 2014

Going Solo

Yesterday I set off with the Baz Bus from Pretoria, changing buses at Johannesburg and carrying on all the way to Pietermaritzburg (PMB). I was dropped off at the hostel in Pretoria at 6:30 and didn't arrive in PMB until 5 so it was a pretty long day.

There was a bit of a cock up with the hostel. The one that is affiliated with Baz Bus recently moved up the street to a new location. However, their landline number which is advertised is still tied to the old building which is now used by a hostel called PMB backpackers. So I'd accidentally booked with the wrong one. Not exactly exciting to find out after a long journey and for my first day on my own. PMB backpackers was ok... Just. The people running it were friendly enough but the place was absolutely dire. I'm glad I bought an old duvet cover because I slept in that. 

The other problem was that it was empty. I think there were two other people staying there but they had chosen to use smaller rooms rather than staying in the dorm. There is something horribly lonely about staying in a 10 bedroom dorm by yourself, the first real time I have missed home. Or to put it more accurately, the first time I desperately wanted a travelling companion, just to laugh at the crazy situation with. The good thing was that I paid less and had privacy. Thankfully this was just a one night stop over so I didn't have to worry too much. I just read and got an early night.

The empty and unmade dorm room.

I didn't see much of PMB at all. I arrived too late to have a look round really. I managed to get to a mall and buy dinner before everything closed. This morning I didn't have much of a chance either. I had to repack my awkward and rushed packing from Sunday so that my rucksack was more manageable and then walk for 1.2km to the McDonalds where my next lift would pick me up as they couldn't find the hostel. The McDonalds was more central and from a distance I saw some of the old Victorian buildings but by that point I'd had enough of carrying my bag (although it was fairly comfy for the majority of the walk) so I didn't visit them properly. 

Between 11 and 12 was when I was meant to be collected but because this is Africa it was actually 12:45. I'm grateful it wasn't any layer in fairness. What followed was a 2 hour drive through the mountains with a driver who had a total disregard for speed limits. Approaching bends marked 60km/ph at 120km/ph was not a brilliant experience. Apart from that it was actually another lovely and scenic drive through the South Drakensberg, a world heritage site. 

The Drakensberg.

Khotso, where I am staying, is an adventure farm which focuses on horse trails mainly. I was recommended to stay here by a friend of a friend and having only been here for half a day I can completely see why. It is basic but lovely and homely. After settling in I spent my afternoon hiking to Blue's Pool with the dog for company. It was a 1.5km walk upstream from the hostel site to a waterfall with a plunge pool, perfect for swimming in and cooling down after a swelteringly hot day. I did throw myself off the wooden platform next to the waterfall once (don't worry parentals, I checked for rocks and the depth first) but psyched myself out the second time. Mainly because you have to jump out rather than it just being a straight drop down. Unfortunately, or fortunately depending on which way you look at it, there is no photographic evidence of this! 

Khotso backpackers building.

The jump off the wooden platform next to the waterfall. Think it's about 4m. 

View over the river from the jumping platform.

My evening has been spent chilling in the hostel living room getting to know the two volunteers here (from Mexico and Belgium) and two Swiss guests. Lovely to relax in a nice environment. Now I am going to follow the advice of a quotation painted on the wall and stop rambling for I should "never miss a good chance to shut up" and now is as good as ever. I'm going to enjoy what the Southern Drakensberg has to offer.

Until next time.

A x

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