Thursday 9 January 2014


I arrived in Pretoria in the early hours of Wednesday morning feeling excessively sleep deprived having got absolutely no sleep on the second 8 hour flight. However, the lack of sleep as we were flying over the equator did mean that I spent a lot of time looking out of the window at the stars which were absolutely stunning.

Somehow I managed to navigate myself through border control, gaining a shiny new stamp on the way, through baggage collection and to the trains. I was greeted at Hatfield, Pretoria by my cousin and her husband who live with my Oupa and their 3 year old son. I have been staying in my Oupa's house in Pretoria and it is lovely. It does feel more like a family holiday rather than travelling though!

On arrival I promptly passed out for about 4 hours before crawling out of bed and into the pool. I've spent the last two days with my Oupa and my cousins, pottering around the house, swimming and helping with dinner, probably not the best idea if anyone knows the limitations of my cooking skills. The next few days promise to be the same which suits me fine!

 The pool and bbq area. 

The garden. 

The most disappointing part of my day was that it was overcast this morning but that cleared up pretty quickly. Don't be jel..

Until next time.

A x

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