Tuesday 18 February 2014

The Mantis and Moon, Umzumbe

I finally left Durban, it only took a while! Because I managed to get sidetracked for a while I now have only 2 weeks to make it down to Cape Town before Louise arrives. It means I need to get my skates on a bit and it's going to be a shame to rush through but I had a lot of fun in Durban and wouldn't change it... I'll just have to come back to South Africa again. I think I could live with that. 

Anyway, tonight for one night only (I really mean one night this time) I am staying at The Mantis and Moon backpackers in Umzumbe. Firstly, after nearly 2 weeks in the same backpackers it is absolutely lovely to have a change of scenery as it is so relaxed here and is completely different to Tekweni. I do however miss the company of all the amazing people I have met over the last two weeks. It seems that all the people who end up in Tekweni for more than one week gravitate together to form one big family. I did enjoy being by myself for all of about one hour but that passed quickly. Luckily I had a beautiful place to be distracted by. 

The view of Reception and suspended bike from one of the lovely sun decks. 

The name of the hostel, if I understood this correctly, is based on an old folklore story which goes by the same name. It is about a Mantis who wants to reign supreme as a God and believes that to be above the other creatures he must perch on the moon which every night appears above them. He tries a variety of different methods to catch the moon including making traps and climbing to the top of the trees it appears to be nestled in but these all end in failure as the moon always eludes him. One evening he sees that the moon has been captured by a pool of water and so he pounces to try and claim it. However, the moonlight shatters into thousands of pieces and pierces his vision so he can't see (I assume this is a reflection they are talking about and the same sensation as if you'd stared at the sun or a bright light for too long). Due to his blindness he spends the next day praying to the moon with his knees and hands facing upwards (I think that's right, I got a bit confused here) which is why his ancestors, the people in that area do the same. Eventually, the moon gave the Mantis his sight back and he no longer wanted to be God... That is the gist of the tale. I don't think I've done it justice but it's a great idea to name the hostel after it. Makes it a bit more interesting than some of the other hostels names as it has a rich background story. 

Part of the story painted on the two walls opposite reception. I love this addition.

The hostel is every bit as whimsical and quirky as it's name would suggest. There is a main reception, lounge, kitchen, bar and dorm area but everything else is secluded, hidden and tucked away behind vegetation. Every part of the hostel is decorated or painted and there are crazy mannequins dotted around everywhere. Could be a bit scary in the evening though if you stumble across one, especially if you have had one too many drinks with Mani (the mannequin propping up the bar). 

These guys greet you on the way to the bar. 

The bar with Mani slumped on it in the corner. Heavy night. 

There are many activities offered at the hostel, unfortunately none of which I had the time to join in with. There is a yoga studio, a small spa, jacuzzi and pool on site as well as numerous day trips. It would have been nice to fit one of these in but alas, I did not have time. My day instead went something like the following...

I arrived around 9:30am and spent my day catching up with the blog and lazing around on the beach. The coast here is beautiful, as always, but so quiet when compared to Durban. I think at the busiest point there were 8 of us on the beach. I enjoyed the sun, sea and sand as well as chatting to one of the lifeguards for a bit. The beach was pristine and absolutely gorgeous and I could have spent all day there. However, after receiving a lil' pinch from a crab (which made me jump so badly) and then bruising the sole of my foot due to falling onto a rock, I decided it was probably best to leave. I managed to drag my reluctant self back to the hostel in the afternoon, just to get into the pool, via the slide - so cool, and relax on a sunbed. 

My first view of the beautiful beach and coast line of Umzumbe. 

The seawater pool tucked away in the corner of the beach. It was lovely and warm compared to the sea and more sheltered from the wind so I didn't have to be sand blasted again. 

The slide into the swimming pool. I enjoyed the fake rocks round the edge to fit in with the theme and vibe of the hostel. 

The sun beds on the deck above the pool and just outside the bar. 

The evening was pretty relaxed. I joined in eating dinner as my groceries consisted of 2 apples, one eaten at the beach and dinner was only R50 for a curry. Result although I have had rather a lot of curry in Durban so hopefully no more anytime soon. As there were not many guests the evening was very chilled, in the lounge where the wifi is and some Winter Olympics on the telly. We also watched a game of basketball which was good but I had absolutely no idea what was going on. It was nice to have a really chilled out night and get to bed before 1am. Unheard of recently. 

The dorms here are nice and they've cleverly added extra beds in by building a platform of sorts above the bunk beds so you could have a big group of people in one room. There are also private huts, a teepee dorm or a treehouse dorm. The latter sounds awesome but is more expensive so I gave it a miss. My bed was incredibly comfortable for a hostel and I had blissfully quiet roommates. Not quite sure when I will be so lucky again so I made the most of it. 

The dorm with many beds. 

Some of the private huts hidden away in the 'jungle''. 

The treehouse dorm which looked cool.

In the morning I had to repack my rucksack, the contents had got out and about all by themselves obviously, and sit around and wait for the bus which was inevitably late. At least this time it was only half an hour rather than an hour and a half and I could use my time to try and organise my very tight schedule. Tiny bit worried about that.. I don't understand how it has been exactly 6 weeks ago today that I left. It's gone way too quickly - I leave SA in just over 3 weeks. Say whaaaaaat?! 

I know people have seen this on Facebook but for all of those not on it, this applies to you too! 

So after an 8 hour bus journey I have made it to Chinsta so we will see what that has to offer, exciting! 

Until next time. 

A x

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