Tuesday 25 February 2014

Jeffreys Bay

I stopped in Jeffreys Bay for one night last Saturday. The bus arrived early in the morning meaning I had the whole day to spend there before hopping on the Sunday bus. I was extremely lucky to be able to stay with family friends, Piet and Sally. Piet and my father are old friends, meeting when they were 7, and I think I gave him quite the shock when I phoned the day before and said I was going to be in the area. I did plan to stay in a hostel but I was very kindly offered a place for the night which was lovely. 

We spent the morning at Piet and Sally's catching up with everything that's happened in the last decade or so. I think the last time I saw them I was about 6 years old. It was lovely finding out about each other's families and who is doing what. We ended up having a long lunch at a lovely pizza and pasta restaurant although the portions were huge. I didn't feel like moving afterwards. We headed to one of the beaches where the professional surf competitions were held but the waves were not that big at all. 

When we got back I ended up having a nap as I was tired following my antics in PE. When I finally arose from my slumber Sally took me to many of the viewpoints of Jeffreys Bay, all of which were insanely beautiful. We spent the evening at Dyfie's house, Sally's sister in law. It began by watching the rugby but it was an extremely relaxed evening getting to know each other (crazy coincidence we share our birthday) and Piet finally got to hear Blue Laurel's (Willem's band - check them out) music and chat to my dad again after how ever many years. 

After a few glasses of wine it was time for bed. I'm so grateful for Piet and Sally letting me stay with them. It was lovely to not be in a hostel for one night and to be able to get some clothes washed! I was definitely running out of clean things. I had an absolutely wonderful time staying with them and it is always good to reconnect with people. 

I left J'Bay at 8am the next morning and headed to Storm's River for the next part of my adventure. 

Until next time. 

A x

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