Monday 28 April 2014

Visiting Wellington

On Wednesday we continued our drive to Wellington which would take around 5 hours to complete. For the first part of the drive the highway followed the edge of Lake Taupo and there were plenty of scenic stops along the way. The lake was beautiful and stretched out for miles, glinting in the sunlight. 

Our journey took us over lots of different terrain, such as the desert road, giving us beautiful views in every direction. Unfortunately, it was around here where I picked up my first ever speeding fine. Oops. After a long lunch break, the rest of the drive continued without any problems, until we had to navigate Wellington's road systems which were extremely confusing!

We stayed at the Nomads Hostel in Wellington which was clean, comfortable and supplied you with free tea and coffee and a small dinner which was lovely. The hilarious highlight of the evening was Louise and I being serenaded loudly in reception by three extremely drunk Welsh men. 

On Thursday we returned the car and went to the Vietnamese embassy to drop off our passports and complete our visa application. We spent the afternoon wondering around close to the hostel, neither of us feeling particularly touristy which is extremely unusual. An early night followed, after a film in my case, as we had to be up bright and early to join the Kiwi Experience the next morning.

Until next time. 

A x

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