Wednesday 23 April 2014

Museum of Contemporary Art, Bondi and leaving Sydney

On Thursday 20th March we visited Sydney's contemporary art gallery as it was a free activity. As with the South African National Gallery some of the artwork was a bit strange but other installations were good... Or at least they made you think or question it which some people argue is the point of art anyway. Below are some of the ones I liked or some of the ones I found bizzare. Spider-Man, I'm talking about you.

Another exhibition was a video on loop that was projected onto 3 walls in a dark room which had a hypnotic effect. According to the artist it was meant to create a dream-like state in the viewer. It was played with a background of music and chatter and there were pillows in the shapes of torsos and legs scattered across the floor that you could cuddle upto. Louise and I grabbed ourselves a man torso each and spent 15 minutes lying on the floor mesmerised and bewildered by the video. 

From the roof of the art gallery there were lovely views across Circular Quay and we enjoyed taking these in with a cup of tea. 

Following the gallery we walked around Circular Quay to view the Opera House and from there we walked through the Royal Botanic Gardens to Mrs Macquarie's Seat for the classic shot of Sydney Harbour including the Opera House and the Harbour Bridge. 

We walked back down to Hyde Park where we could get the bus to Bondi Beach to see Ian and Anita. Luckily we got there at sunset and were treated to some lovely pink skies above the beach and the surfers bobbing in the sea. 

Our night out was lovely. We had brilliant company and a few bottles of good Australian wine thrown in meaning that we were feeling a bit rough the next morning. It was absolutely lovely catching up with Ian and Anita and I am glad that Lou got to meet them too. Hopefully we can all meet in London again later this year!

Our plans to go to the zoo in Friday fell through spectacularly when we both woke up feeling fragile. Instead we wandered round Surry Hills, an area closer to the hostel and packed with interesting little shops. We spent our evening with Ian and Anita again to have a farewell dinner at a lovely Jamaican restaurant where the food was amazing. It was another brilliant evening but thankfully it involved far less wine this time. 

Unfortunately Saturday dawned way too soon and it was time for us to bid goodbye to Sydney. It was a very short stop to an extremely beautiful and buzzing city. I definitely liked it here and would return soon given the chance. It is a shame we did not have enough time to explore more of Australia but I feel that we at least got to feel the vibe of Sydney and got to know it a bit in the time we spent there. 

Just quickly... A sight for sore eyes; my travelling outfit. I'm going to try and find an even better one for my next flight.

Until next time. 

A x

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