Tuesday 3 June 2014

Goodbye Fiji

Wednesday 24th April was our last day in Fiji and the only day where the weather was not amazing. It forced us to finally do some laundry whilst we had the time and facilities. We treated ourselves to a Deep Tissue massage from the spa next door. It was glorious although I could barely move after it. The rest of the day was spent blogging and packing my monstrosity of a rucksack, it continuously amazes me how much it holds. 

On Thursday morning we were up at the hideously early time of 4:30 so we could get to the airport for our 10 hour flight to Hong Kong. We had an issue at check-in where the woman refused point blank to accept we had booked onwards travel out of Hong Kong and was convinced we were going to overstay the visitor's four months. Eventually we had to buy internet time and email her our copies which she tried to say were duplicates. After nearly tearing our hair out in frustration they finally believed we had onward travel plans and we were allowed through security. After this there was an extremely interesting 'guess which plane your travelling on' game because even though it was listed under gate 8, there were four planes waiting at this gate, none of them giving any indication as to where they were headed. A slightly different airport experience.

I really didn't want to leave Fiji because I fell head over heels in love with it. The laid back atmosphere, the friendly and joyous people and the beautiful scenery were all contributing factors. It truly was paradise. I loved being barefoot, carefree and disconnected from the world; the lack of wifi was a blessing. Lastly, how could I forget my new favourite product and possibly the best invention ever which Fiji introduced me to - pineapple fanta! I've already had to check if it can be purchased online.

So it was with heavy hearts we left Fiji but the adventure was to continue with 8 weeks in South East Asia and our return to the Northern hemisphere. First stop, Hong Kong. 

Until next time. 

A x

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